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The Houston Lodge of the Theosophical Society

1525 Heights Boulevard

Houston, Texas 77008           

                    MEETING ON MARCH 1, 2025 

Presentation: The Place Beyond the Story

Speaker: Bonnie Divina Maa

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Brief Description of the Presentation:

Bonnie will discuss the process of her awakening, from the self to the Self, and how it has led her to the work she currently does. She will share some passages from her book, “The Place Beyond the Story” and lead the group in chanting.

Short Bio of the Speaker:

Bonnie Divina Maa, RN, E-RYT 500, is a Multi-Dimensional Healer, Practitioner of Energy Medicine, Entheogen Integration Specialist, Ceremonialist, Author, and Singer/Songwriter. She utilizes shamanic, yogic, somatic, and psychotherapeutic modalities, along with breathwork, vocal exercises, shadow work, and entheogens to help people on their healing journey.  She has studied with enlightened teachers and indigenous peoples around the world and is dedicated to the purpose of helping people to remember who they are. She has recently published a book, The Place Beyond the Story: A Spiritual Adventure, which details her process of breakdown/breakthrough in 2012 and the journey of awakening that followed.


For more information about Theosophy and Houston Lodge of the Theosophical Society, please visit our website: http://houston.theosophical.org.  The Lodge meetings are usually on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 10:00 a.m. to noon and are free and open to the public. Feel free to bring a friend.

Live Simply. Love Generously.

Care Deeply.  Speak Kindly.

Lien Pham-Ly (Secretary)

Web 1:  http//houston.theosophical.org

Web 2:  thongthienhocvn.theosophical.org

FB: Houston Theosophical Society

FB: Minh Triêt Thiêng Liêng

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that thrives through fellowship and your generous donation.

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Houston Theosophical Society click the link below.




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